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Amálgamas | Video Mapping

Amálgamas é um projeto de vídeo mapping criado para o festival de vídeo mapping EAW’17 - 7th ADM, 4ª edição, em Faro. Foi projetado na Catedral da cidade. O temas aqui explorados são a fluidez do movimento e a batalha entre luz e escuridão, exprimidos com a mistura de vários líquidos, gravando os resultados. Na altura, o nosso grupo foi informado que só poderia usar certos sons e música; descobrimos mais tarde que outros grupos não foram limitados desta forma. Acredito que o nosso vídeo beneficiaria se tivéssemos a mesma liberdade. O projeto foi desenvolvido durante os primeiros meses de 2017.
Amálgamas is a video mapping project created for the EAW’17 − 7th ADM, Video Mapping Festival 4th Edition, in Faro. It was projected in front of the Cathedral of the same city. The theme we pursued was fluidity of movement and the battle between light and darkness, representing it through mixing various liquids and recording their interactions. At the time of developing, we were told we could only sample from certain sounds and music, later finding out other groups were not limited this way. I believe our video’s quality would have benefited more without adhering to this limitation. This project was developed during the early months of 2017.

Photos of early paint mixing experiences

First video draft

Storyboard (shortened sample)

* The full exhibition can be seen on YouTube and Facebook.

* This was a group project, in collaboration with Beatriz Marto, Catarina Soares and Greta Jurcyte. Due to an error on the festival’s part, Soares’ name appears credited in a video by a different group.
* Thank you to teachers Nuno Dias, Eduardo Noronha and Paulo Bernadino.

Amálgamas | Video Mapping

Amálgamas | Video Mapping

Video made for the EAW’17 − 7th ADM, Video Mapping Festival 4th Edition, Faro, projected in front of the Cathedral of Faro.
